Get involved

There are many ways to make an impact and support our project.
Whether you are a researcher, a policymaker, civil servant, politician or a volunteer/staff member working with vulnerable and underserved women – you can make a difference.

Do you work or volunteer with vulnerable/marginalised groups?

Volunteer your time and expertise to make a difference in cervical cancer prevention for women and anyone with a cervix by participating in our collaborative user boards (CUB).

Are you a researcher/ cancer screening programme manager?

Share any relevant research findings you might have with us and help us raise awareness of the project among your networks.

Are you a policymaker, civil servant or politician?

Be an advocate for our project! Turn your passion into action to help improve the lives of all those affected by precancerous and cancerous cervical lesions by spreading the word in your institutions and organisations.

CBIG-SCREEN, a 5-year collaborative research project, has received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 964049. Official starting date: 01. March 2021


  • Scientific Coordinator:
    Marc Bardou, Inserm
  • Project Manager:
    Christiane Dascher-Nadel, Inserm-Transfert


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