‘Meet-and-Greet’ for new H2020-funded projects on cancer prevention and early diagnosis

Date: 26/01/2022
Type: Online event

This upcoming January 26th event organised by CBIG-SCREEN’s Partner ECL, brings together the six H2020-funded EU projects focusing on prevention and/or early diagnosis of cancer: CBIG-SCREENPRESCRIP-TECCHILIEU-TOPIA-EASTEquityCancer-LA and CANCERLESS. The meeting provides the opportuniy to connect with each other and engage in discussions about our respective research and developments which will form the basis for future collaborations. 

CBIG-SCREEN, a 5-year collaborative research project, has received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 964049. Official starting date: 01. March 2021


  • Scientific Coordinator:
    Marc Bardou, Inserm
  • Project Manager:
    Christiane Dascher-Nadel, Inserm-Transfert


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