CBIG-SCREEN workshop for Collaborative User Board facilitators (CUB)

Date: 06/09/2021
Place: Scandic City Hotel, Østergade 10, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Type: Workshop

Workshop participants (from left to right): Pia Kirkegaard (Denmark), Marc Bardou (France), Kerli Reintamm (Estonia), Diana Taut (Romania), Keitly Mensah (France), Margarida Teixeira (Portugal), Raya Michaylova (Bulgaria), Paolo Giorgi Rossi (Italy), Rikke Buus Bøje (Denmark)







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CBIG-SCREEN, a 5-year collaborative research project, has received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 964049. Official starting date: 01. March 2021


  • Scientific Coordinator:
    Marc Bardou, Inserm
  • Project Manager:
    Christiane Dascher-Nadel, Inserm-Transfert


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